Empowering young people through the Female Leadership Academy

Funded by Premier League, we held a Female Leadership Academy alongside our FA Girls’ Emerging Talent Centre (ETC) to give them the theory linked to female leadership in the hope that they can then reflect and it can empower them both personally and through the game.

The girls took part in a number of topics over the weeks including exploring identities, strengths and passions, reflecting on what makes a good leader and their leadership qualities that they already possess. They also explored positive role models and their attributes, getting to know your rights and responsibilities and discussed facing the challenges of being a leader and being a female. Finding your own way to lead.

The feedback from the girls was hugely positive with 100% of attendees stating that they had enjoyed the course. They had all taken part in order to learn what it takes to become a leader or what they can do themselves to improve their leadership skills and all felt that this had happened throughout the course.

All the girls embraced the discussions and immersed themselves in the content each week, gaining as much from the course as they could.

Rachel said,

“April had a great relationship with the girls and supported them to develop their skills and consider what it takes to be a female leader. She created sessions that were fun with meaningful content that helped the girls to realise their potential.”

Blackpool FC Community Trust Female Football Manager, Andy Aspinall, said:

“The Female LeadershipAcademy has proved very beneficial for the girls who attended the programme. They all enjoyed being part of a female cohort in a safe and friendly environment that allowed them to debate and discuss lots of topics including body image, leadership qualities and female role models. We focused on developing positive communication skills using various games and activities, to develop confidence in the participants. All of this has benefited the girls in the Emerging Talent Centre environment, and we have seen a positive impact in those who attended the full course.”


The course is designed to bring awareness of the skills and qualities that they already have and how to build on those qualities. Highlighting that what you recognise in someone else is usually because you hold them qualities yourself and bringing an awareness of that to the conscious mind.  With this knowledge it is hoped that young girls will be able to shape these skills and qualities to become a strong and positive team player and leader and appreciate what it means to be a female leader.