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Walking Football

The FA suggests that Walking Football is the perfect fit for everyone who wants to play football for longer, make new friends, get out of the house and stay active.
With no running, jogging or heading – and tackling with reduced physical contact – Walking Football is a fun and safe way for players to enjoy football and socialise together.

Dave Maclean, Community Engagement Manager said: “Our sessions are a recreational offer, designed to meet the needs of over 50’s who want to either prolong their playing days or get back in to football to increase their physical activity levels, socialise and make new friends, bringing back the camaraderie of team sports.”

Walking Football



Please sign in between 4:45pm-5:00pm in the Workshop Area (Old Bar)

Time: 5pm – 6pm

Where: Aspire Sports Hub

Cost: £4


Time: 1:30pm – 2:30pm

Where: Palatine Sports Centre

Cost: FREE


Please sign in between 4:45pm-5:00pm in the Workshop Area (Old Bar)

Time: 5pm – 6pm

Where: Aspire Sports Hub

Cost: £4


Time: 11am – 12pm

Where: Lytham YMCA

Cost: £4


For further information please contact info@bfcct.co.uk or contact us on 07597 786098