GULP Challenge 2025: Encouraging Blackpool’s Year 4 Pupils to Ditch Sugary Drinks

Following on from nearly a decade of success, we are happy to let you know that the Fit2Go Team will launch the GULP Challenge 2025 on March 10th.

This coincides with people thinking about making sacrifices and changes in their personal lives around the time of Lent (5th March to 17th April) and Ramadan (28th February to 30th March 2025).

The GULP (Give Up Loving Pop) Challenge is a fantastic free health campaign from Food Active, Blackpool Public Health and Blackpool FC Community Trust, which aims to raise awareness of the health harms associated with overconsumption of sugary drinks. While many people are aware of the negative impact that sugary drinks have on teeth, fewer are aware of the link between the overconsumption of sugary drinks and weight gain.

Blackpool FC Community Trust have joined with Blackpool Council to launch the GULP campaign to ALL YEAR 4 CHILDREN IN BLACKPOOL. With the help of the Fit2Go team, we will be encouraging children to “Give Up Loving Pop” and think of drinking healthier alternatives such as water or low-fat milk.

Children are given a GULP diary and a free water bottle. Diaries are collected at the end of the 21-day campaign to help monitor their progress. The class who achieves the most pop-free days and returns their diaries to us will be awarded a free trip to Clip ‘N Climb Blackpool.

The GULP Challenge has been and continues to be a huge success in Blackpool and with the support of Blackpool Public Heath we can reinforce the health message year on year. This continuation is key to influencing a change of habit in our community.

Marc Joseph, Head of Early Years Provision and Primary Provision said, 

“We see the conscious decision by pupils to pick up their water bottles and enjoy making healthy choices. We are encouraged by teachers and parents’ engagement in reinforcing our health messages.”

Good luck to all involved!