Happy New Year from everyone at Blackpool FC Community Trust. We have lots to come in 2020 with great opportunities for you, your family and friends to get involved in.
Our community activities commence again from Monday 6thJanuary. Here is a run down of a few sessions you could come along to:
Toddler Group at Highfield Methodist Church will recommence Monday 13th January.
Tiny Tangerines Community Football Sessions: Tuesday evening at Unity Academy and Thursday evening at Armfield Academy for preschool – Year 2 children. The session times are split between ages. Your first session is free with following sessions being just £3 a session.
Premier League Mini Kicks & Big Kicks: FREE football for School Years 3 – 11 – Weekday evenings at various venues & times.
Kicks Club: for young people in School Years 3 – 11 to engage in FREE activities such as Dance, Boxercise, Panna Football as well as FIFA nights and multi- sports activities. Taking place; Tues, Weds, Friday evenings.
Get Set 2 Go: FREE football sessions which aim to support positive mental health through physical activity and takes place at Stanley Park on Thursday afternoons.
A new FREE course of FIT BLACKPOOL will also commence from Tuesday 14thJanuary (female) & Thursday 16thJanuary (male). Aimed at females with a BMI of 28+ and a waist size of 31 inches and males with a BMI of 28+ or a waist size of 37+ inches. The course encourages you to reach your goal of a healthier lifestyle.
Blackpool FC Community Trust Over 50’s sessions will also recommence: Sporting Memories, Extra Time, Walking Football and Veterans Coffee Mornings.
Not forgetting all the provision delivered in; local nurseries, schools and colleges across Blackpool, it is going to be a fabulous 2020 supporting our community.
REMINDER: Looking for a pathway once you finish school? Blackpool FC Sports College are holding an open evening on Thursday 30thJanuary 5pm – 7pm in the Education and Community Centre at Bloomfield Road Stadium.
All these sessions take place at various times and venues so for more information please call: 01253 348 691, click the links or follow BFCCT on social media.