The third Male Football Fans in Training programme has just concluded and we have seen some amazing results from the 13 participants who finished.
During the 13 week weight management programme, the participants have taken part in weekly classroom workshops and physical activity sessions which have been held in the concourse or pitch side at Bloomfield Road.
The 13 participants have lost a combined weight of 94.35kg (14.8 stones)and lost 121.3cm from around their waist. The greatest weight loss from the programme is an incredible 14.2kg (2.2 stones), with them also losing 11cm from around their waist. Terry said, “It feels like Boxing Day today. All the effort and work to arrive yesterday, Christmas Day, and now it’s over. Thanks to Nathan, Zoe and all of the team for what is hopefully a life changing opportunity. Looking forward to September. It will be good to see how the great weight loss and exercise effort is continued without the weekly ‘BFCCT police’ checks”.
All the participants will return in three months for the follow up session to see how they are getting on.
Other members of the programme said:
Colin Pownall said “This has been a life changing experience for me. I needed something to kick start my love of exercise and food again having done so little whilst my Mum battled with Cancer. The group of blokes were superb and we bonded so quickly. The whole programme was expertly lead and I can not recommend the programme highly enough.”
Steve Quarmby said “It’s a terrific course, the education and support for the trainers has helped me to turn my life around. I hope to continue with new habits outside of the course and I look forward to returning for more sessions.”
The FFIT programme runs on two evenings, one for males and one for females aged 35-65. Males must have a waist size of 38 inches or above (measurement taken from belly button) and a both must have a BMI of 28 or above.
The next programme is set to start in September (date to be confirmed).
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