
We are proud of the young people we work with every day at Blackpool FC Community Trust. From young people at our PL Kicks sessions & Tower Above sessions litter picking around the stadium, to PL Inspires participants raising awareness of certain topics to help the lives of others.

We also have some AMAZING students attending Blackpool FC Sports College who come along to our community sessions and volunteer throughout the week alongside their studies.

In addition, we would like to highlight the work of young people on the NCS programme.

This week on NCS our groups from Blackpool & the Fylde College have been busy raising awareness for a variety of charities. Travel and Tourism, Business and Sport & Fitness students all completed sponsored walks to raise money for Brian House, Donna’s Dream House and Empowerment.

In total NCS participants have raised just over £400 – This money will go towards supporting those in need at Empowerment and was able to purchase over 50 toys to make sure the children at Brain House and Donna’s Dream House receive gifts this Christmas.

The young people had an amazing time with a lot of them stating that they, “feel very privileged to be able to supply the kids with gifts for Christmas as we can understand how hard it must be around this time so hopefully we put a smile on their face and added to their Christmas experience this year” – Paige NCS 2021

“Donating to Donna’s Dream House was important as it will help to make the children’s Christmas more special. Hopefully it will make the children happy and help them to focus on the positive things around them, as well as creating happy memories their parents will cherish” – Jordan NCS 2021

Well done to all the young people involved, you have all made such an amazing impact on so many peoples lives with the money and toys you have all donated!

These are just a few examples of how young people in our community have highlighted the #PowerofYouth during #iwillweek2021.