Stars Camp December Summary

For Stars December 2022 half term camp, we had visits from Father Christmas, DJ Eddie, and Hands on Animals. Father Christmas started the week off on Monday. The children had no idea that he was coming until they heard his bell going along the corridor. They very were very excited. Each child got to meet him individually, had a chat about what they wanted for Christmas, and got a present to take home.



DJ Eddie visited us Tuesday, and entertained the kids with wacky games, funky music, and lots of prizes. He made sure all the children were involved and each left with a prize.
And to finish the week off, on Thursday, Hands on Animals, with Kelly. In attendance were Liveson and Garlic, the giant land snails. Edward and Woodwood, the giant (although baby) African millipedes. Hairy Mary, the Chile rose tarantula. Branston pickle, the Crested gecko. Cecil, the royal python. Bryan, the chinchilla. Minstrel, the rabbit. It was a great experience for the children. It gave them the opportunity to step slightly out their comfort zone, and Kelly also educated them on the different characteristics of the animals.


We also had running, as we do for every Stars camp, our regular activities such as sports, arts and crafts, Lego building, gaming, and more. One child said about Stars,

“I like playing football with friends. I like Lego. I happy!”

A parent said,

“Harry has been coming to club for years. I wouldn’t send him anywhere else. He has the best time, and I know he is safe and well looked after. All the staff are the best and do an amazing job.”

Another parent said,

“Well what can I say. You are all amazing. This club has been one of the best things for my daughter ever since her first time, she has loved every single one. Thank you all so much. Keep it up”

A guardian said,

“Brilliant, fantastic, friendly, entertaining, inclusive; these are just a few words to describe BFCCT half term camp. Our young person absolutely loves coming in the holidays, and she’s made lots of new friends along the way. Well done to the team, we think you are all awesome!!”